Ming Chong Lim


October 2022: Meta Global Hackathon

1st Place

The hackathon took place over 2 weeks, involving the following challenges:

August 2021: Citi Hackoverflow

1st Place

July 2020: BrainHack Today I Learned

2nd Place

The qualifying round of the hackathon involved a Kaggle competition comprising two challenges:

Our team emerged as the top team on the final private leaderboard.

The second (and final) stage of the hackathon was a disaster rescue scenario involving several connected challenges. This stage was conducted physically, and all challenges below had to run consecutively without any human intervention.

March 2016: Singapore Science and Engineering Fair

Silver Award

My project was about the classification of handwritten characters by applying feature extraction on images and subsequently feeding these features into a small and simple feedforward neural network for classification. The feature extraction involved the following steps:

This preprocessing helped my model achieve comparable results to the state of the art (at that point in time). I presented my methodology and results to 3 judges at the Engineering Fair in the form of a poster, and received the Silver Award for my efforts.