User Guide


CRUD for tasks (ToDos, Deadlines, and Events)

You can create ToDos, Deadlines, and Events, by using the todo, deadline, and event commands respectively. You can view them using the list command. You can update them by setting them as done using the done command. You can delete them by using the delete command.

Search for tasks

You can search for tasks by using the find command.

Local saving

Your tasks will automatically be saved into a text file under the data folder whenever the task list updates, and will be loaded when Chatterbox starts up.

Archive tasks

You can archive all tasks into a backup file in the data folder, and start with a clean state using the archive command.

Exit program

You can exit the program by using the bye command.


todo - Create a ToDo task

By entering todo followed by the contents of the task, you can create a ToDo task.

Example of usage:

todo task 1

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
 [T][✗] task 1
 You now have 1 task in your list

deadline - Create a Deadline task

By entering deadline followed by the contents of the task, you can create a Deadline task. You can also add /by <date> <time> after the contents to attach an actual deadline to the task, where <date> is in either d/M/y or d-M-y format, and time is in HHmm format.

Example of usage:

deadline task 2 /by 23/09/20 1100

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
 [D][✗] task 2 (by: Sep 23 2020 1100H)
 You now have 2 tasks in your list

event - Create an Event task

By entering event followed by the contents of the task, you can create an Event task. You can also add /at <date> <time> after the contents to attach an actual event timing to the task, where <date> is in either d/M/y or d-M-y format, and time is in HHmm format.

Example of usage:

event task 3 /at 12-12-20 1200

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
 [E][✗] task 3 (by: Dec 12 2020 1200H)
 You now have 3 tasks in your list

list - List all tasks

By entering list, Chatterbox will respond with a list of all ToDos, Events, and Deadlines you have.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 1. [T][✗] task 1
 2. [D][✗] task 2 (by: Sep 23 2020 1100H)
 3. [E][✗] task 3 (by: Dec 12 2020 1200H)

done - Mark a task as done

By entering done followed by the task number, you can mark that task as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

 Nice! I've marked this task as done:
 [T][✓] task 1

delete - Delete a task

By entering delete followed by the task number, you can delete that task.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

 Noted! I've removed this task from your list:
 [T][✓] task 1
 You now have 2 tasks in your list

find - Find tasks

By entering find followed by keyword(s), you can get a list of tasks that contain that keyword.

Example of usage:

find 3

Expected outcome:

 2. [E][✗] task 3 (by: Dec 12 2020 1200H)

archive - Archive tasks

By entering archive, you can archive all your tasks and start your task list over from a clean state.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 I have archived all your tasks into the archive file chatterbox_0.bak, you can find it in the data folder

### bye - Exit the program

Enter bye to exit the program